Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well, I can't believe I haven't updated this for the last three months. I'm just not the greatest of bloggers I guess. But, considering the fact that this has no "registered followers" it probably doesn't matter anyway!

After returning from our wonderful Saipan adventure life has settled into a comfortable routine. Heather is back in school, for another day at least. School ends this week and summer will officially begin!

The most exciting news from the Moody's is that Alan received his mission call to Seattle, Washington! We are so proud of his dedication and preparation. He will be going into the MTC on August 19th. We've already done all the shopping and got him all outfitted, that was fun!

He was able to go through the Mt. Timpanogas Temple last Saturday. What a blessing it is to be able to participate in such a wonderful occassion with such fantastic family members!! I have to be the most blessed Mom there is!

The next most exciting news is that we are getting ready to head back to Saipan for the summer. J.Ward, Heather, and I will be leaving on June 23rd and returning on August 7th. The best part is that the rest of the family will get to come too!!! Stephen, Jeanette, Aaron, Emily, Mike and Andrew will all be flying over at various times to spend a couple of weeks with us in tropical paradise! I think we will have 3 or 4 days when everyone will overlap and be there all at once. I am excited that we can share this adventure with the rest of the family and very grateful for this great opportunity!

I am going to try to get better at updating this blog, for those who may be interested. Maybe I'll even try to get some pictures posted soon!


  1. it's about time! i'm so jealous you guys are going back and we won't be able to visit you. Maybe next time. I lost yours and Emily's email, so PLEASE email me so I can send you pictures of our newest addition, Tristin Michael. I will also invite you to our blog. Can't wait for pictures of your family and congrats on ALans call.
    Amy and Jared

  2. Congratulations to Alan! We're living in Vancouver, WA now. Maybe, just maybe, he'll be in an area close to us!
